品階說明頁(Guide Page of Moral Ranking)



5階 巫女、君子
4階 品女、士
3階 侍女、執事、專業人員
2階 啦啦隊、一般工作人員、兵
1階 小朋友、新手
0階 未入教、不認識
-1階 騙子
-2階 罪犯
-3階 奴隸(是騙子同時也是罪犯)
-4階 死囚


In Arinalism, we divide the moral level of people into the following ranks

Rank 5 Miko, Junzi
Rank 4 girl of virtue, Shi
Rank 3 maid, deacon, professional
Rank 2 cheerleader, worker/staff, soldier
Rank 1 child, novice
Rank 0 non-member, unknown person
Rank -1 liar
Rank -2 criminal
Rank -3 slave (a liar with crimes)
Rank -4 death row

Master is counted as rank 6, which is either rank 5.

-4階 必須死的壞人

Rank 1 or higher are good people.
Rank -1 to -3 are bad people who are guilty but have a chance to atone. It doesn’t matter if one died at rank -3.
Rank -4 means wicked people who must die.


You cannot punish rank -1 people, only rank 2 and higher rank people who join the Arina Organization can punish rank -1.
You can punish people below rank -2(include rank -2), and you are prohibited to cause permanent physical damage or death to the sinner of rank -2.
As long as a rank -3 person is not dead, the ownership of his life and body will not belong to you.
Rank -4 can be disposed of at will.